Zen Retreat in Georgia (Sakartvelo)

1-4 May 2025 | Tsikhisdziri
A Zen Buddhist retreat, or Sesshin
in Japanese, is a few days of practicing Zazen together. It is a time when we give up idle activities and devote ourselves to meditation.
  • Freedom from yourself
    During sesshin, we leave our gadgets, problems, worries and attachments behind to release perception
  • Silence
    We avoid idle activities and conversations on the retreat so as not to distract from being consciously present
  • Consciousness
    In between meditations, we eat, walk, clean the house, cook to reinforce the habit of staying calm and mindful in our daily activities
  • Inspiring place
    The retreat takes place in a large house with a magnificent view in the outskirts of Batumi
This approach, which sometimes surprises proponents of the "rigid" style, reflects the general line of practice of the Soto Zen school - blurring the boundary between "ordinary" life and practice, transformation of a person not through asceticism, but through attentive penetration into the depth of all phenomena of life.
Sesshin (Jap., we also use the Western word for retreat) allows us to go deeper into our true nature and (perhaps most importantly) to see our daily life as a realization of that nature.

In our school, retreats, besides the practice of sitting meditation and sutras, include almost all the activities that take place in ordinary life: physical (and sometimes intellectual) work, practicing food and its preparation, walking, socializing.

Drawing and ikebana workshops and even concerts also happen at sesshins.

The main value of sesshin schools is their unique atmosphere, which allows you to experience in practice how strict discipline and inner freedom, inner concentration and relaxed communication, non-attachment to personal interests and enjoyment of every moment of life are combined.

Retreats are not associated with strict asceticism

We alternate Zazen meditation with various activities including eating, labor, body practices such as Tibetan yoga, Zen massage, and learning the Dharma through answering questions (Mondo).

We have time to relax, socialize, and even host parties. At the same time, the main goal of the retreat is to sincerely seek the Path and return to our true nature.

There are no organizers providing the retreat service and no clients receiving it. All participants, whether novices or senior monks, interact as a cohesive team, where everyone has a role to play in the whole cloth, and everyone has a responsibility.

The more attentively we invest ourselves in creating harmony through simple tasks, the more deeply we immerse ourselves in the spirit of the Teachings.

Our master, Sando Kaysen, teaches that it is not so much the number of hours spent in meditation that matters, but the alert presence in each action.

We can develop this quality by being with experienced practitioners in a unifying atmosphere, following a common rhythm.

Practices are conducted by the disciple and translator of Master Kaisen - monk Kosen (Vladimir Suponinsky).
Organizing fee
The money covers rent, food, supplies, and support for the Zen centers. No practitioner profits anything from Sangha events.
400 GEL
Price includes accommodation and meals for 3 days
Sign up
Answer all questions to sign up for the retreat
We've received your registration
Do you follow a vegetarian or vegan diet?
Have you participated in the practices of our tradition?
Do you take a zafa (meditation cushion) with you?
Do you take a futon (a mat under your pillow) with you?

By submitting the form, you agree to our privacy policy


Bagrationi Street 61, Batumi

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