Zen Meditation in Georgia (Sakartvelo)

  • Practices in Batumi on Thursdays at 7 PM

Our Zen Center was founded by Master Sando Kaisen's apprentices to practice Zazen together on a regular basis. Zen Meditation is the selfless posture originally known as Dyana in India, Ch'an in China, and Zen in Japan.

Everyone, regardless of gender, age, religion, nationality, or education, can practice Meditation.

Sando Kaisen
Zazen Master
Master Sando Kaisen has been transmitting the Dharma for more than 25 years in France, Poland, Czech Republic, Slovakia, Ukraine and Russia.
The Master adopted the tradition from his Teacher – Taisen Deshimaru, a Zen Buddhist monk of the Soto school from Japan.

Formal part of Zen Buddhist practice has been abolished, but the heart of the Teaching - the sitting of the Buddha - has become more accessible for mastering in the West.

The classes in Batumi are conducted by Master Kaisen's disciple and translator, monk Kosen (Vladimir Suponinsky).

How to Prepare for the Zazen Practice?

  • Comfortable clothes

    Bring clothes that are comfortable to sit cross-legged in
  • Pillow or folded blanket

    The height of the zafu (seat cushion) suits each practitioner. If you don't have your own zafu, a folded blanket will do
  • Inner smile

    Maintaining a benevolent attitude toward yourself and others - the "inner smile" - will help you in your practice

Practice Schedule

We do Zazen on Thursdays.
We post announcements of events on our Facebook
7.00pm – 8.30pm
7.00pm – 8.30pm
Zazen. 50 minutes
At 7:00 pm we gather in the vestibule and prepare for practice. The position can be explained to beginners. Then we close the doors, practice of two sets of 25-30 minutes begins.
Upcoming events
We regularly organize Zen-themed events in Batumi and Georgia

    Bagrationi Street 61, Batumi

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